I saw a dead spider
trying to breath
even though it was too cold
a bee came to see
help me the dead spider began to plead
I can't said the bee intrigued
you'll catch me
I won't said the spider
you'll see
take these webs and bind me
please help me to breath
the bee took them and bound her legs
all eight real tight
so the dead spider couldn't catch the bee
kiss me
breath life into me
the spider did plead
unsure but free
the bee kissed the dead spider
to help her breath
for pretty was she
but the dead spider tricked him
instead of kissing
she ate the bee
not to breath but to feed
she was quite pleased
to be full as can be
and fooling the bee
the spider wasn't as clever
as she thought herself to be
not only did she eat the bee
but she ate his sting
now a dead spider for real was she
a lesson for all to see
no matter how pretty a spider may be
there's no guarantees
beware of fangs
and don't wait too late to sting
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