Thursday, December 26, 2013

can they see

in a hurry
late for work you are
in the rain

didn't see the truck
that ran the light
not until too late
the one we swerved for
instead of hitting them
you slam into me
they get away

the sound of tires skidding
the sound of impact
metal bending
metal crunching
an eternity in seconds
is when we meet

with a coppery taste
I get out my car 
to check
to see if you're okay

people already gathering
with umbrellas drawn
a wreck to see
a play
we're the main act

the mist settles
through cracked windshield
a vision I see
through the cracked windshield
blood and debris
one of beauty
one that stirs me
burns me
what's wrong with me
to want you
even in this state I see

opening the door
It sticks but gives with a yank
I ask you
are you okay
but you can't hear me
I touch your forehead
free your hair from your face
a breast is exposed
through ripped dress 
it heaves as you breath
blood dripping between
between it and the other
I know it sounds obscene
but wasn't to me

I can’t help myself
shutting the door
I kiss you
kiss you hard
pieces of glass from your lips
slice mine

you awaken with a start
eyes open wide
not in shock or disgust
but pure lust
you grab my hair with your fist
you kiss me back
kiss me hard
ripping my lips
pulling me in
your tongue slides over mine
tasting blood
mouths fucking
people watching
can they see
through the cracked windshield
blood and debris

you push me off
grabbing your dress where it's torn
you rip it more
until it lays like a sheet beneath you
completely naked
except for your shoes
more people gathering
can they see
through the cracked windshield
blood and debris

I hurry to free myself
unzipping my pants
it springs out
so hard
throbbing and bobbing for you
I take off my cloths
to be as naked as you
can they see
through the cracked windshield
blood and debris

looking at me
biting your lip
grasping my length
feeling my hard veins
you say
I can't wait
slide it inside me
fuck me

looking in your eyes
I say no
but no will not do
I could never so no to you
never again

lifting your pelvis
you pull me inside
sliding with a gasp
so wet
you cum instantly
you gush
all over me
the wet is so hot
it burns
it starts from without
but goes deep within
makes me scream as I cum
bucking hard beneath me
you drink in each pearly drop

without pause we do it again and again
we switch positions
we scream
we bleed
we don’t care
if people can see
through the cracked windshield
blood and debris

we fuck and fuck
never getting our fill
we fuck until the ambulance arrives
when we get out of the hospital
we fuck more
as a matter of fact
several months later
we've not slowed down
not one bit
we're fucking now
as I speak

still I sometimes wonder
could they see
through the cracked windshield
blood and debris

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